What fast food does to your body and health

1.)  Obesity

Probably the best known results of eating too much fast food is obesity. Obesity isn't just overweight, but severe overweight. Fast food contains a lot of fat, sugars and salt. These are the things that have proven to make you fatter if you eat too much of it and obese if you eat way too much of it.


2.)  Cancer

Fast food itself does not cause cancer. On the other hand, the result of eating too much fast food can. Overweight or obesity are factors that raise the risk of getting cancer.


3.)  Liver

In 2008, there was a project that tests how your body reacts to four weeks of a lot of fastfood and no exercise. One of the results was a damaged liver. Your liver digests the fat in your blood. Too many unhealthy food can be too much for your liver to digest.


4.)  Diabetes

Insulin is a hormone in your body that digests food. If you eat too much fast food your insulin supply will be affected, causing your body to not digest food well enough and lets too much sugars in your blood. This raises the risk of getting diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that is usually caused by heredity, but like we said, the risk gets bigger if you eat too much fast food.